Berry Picking
Emily Molinari
Huckleberries are round and red and
look almost like they might kill you but
they burst in your mouth with
a sweet pop of summertime
pool in your hands like
water from the river that you
dove into, headfirst
back before you
cared what your
body looked like
in a bathing suit
when you let yourself love the
dirt beneath your fingernails from
foraging in soft moss for orange heads of chanterelles thrown into
pans of butter and eggs and scrambled into
memories melting in mouths.
Emily Molinari (She/Her/Hers) is an emerging Canadian poet and writer. She holds a BA (Hons.) and BEd from Simon Fraser University. Emily is currently a student in The Writer's Studio Creative Writing Certificate program. You can find more of her life and writing on her Instagram @molinariwrites.